Friday, July 31, 2009

To Look or Not to Look?

Look at me posting two days in a row. Woo hoo!

There has been a lot of discussion on the wedding sites/blogs that I read regarding "the first look". For those who don't stalk wedding blogs everyday and aren't hip on the lingo, "the first look" refers to the photo session some couples do with their photographers just an hour or so before the start of the ceremony. Usually it is just an intimate moment between the bride and groom that the photographers help set up. It can be done many different ways. One of the ways I've seen is where the groom will have his back to the direction of the bride. The bride will come up and tap the groom and let him know when he can turn around. As the groom turns around to see his beautiful bride for the first time, the photographers are right there to capture that special moment. It also allows the couple to share some time alone together before all the wedding events go down.
I have seen a few of these First Look sequences from photographers' blogs and friends' weddings. Those sequences just are filled with so much love and emotion. Almost always guaranteed to make my eyes tear up.

Links below are from Wedding Bee.

Mrs. Sushi's First Look

Wedding Bee Pro's Take On It

Mrs. Powder Puff's Wise Words Re: First Looks

Couples do the First Look for many reasons. For some they just want to have that moment together. Some think more logistically in that there might not be enough time in between the ceremony and reception to get all the shots they want including Bridal Party and family group pictures. Whether it be tradition or superstition, some couples opt not to do it and have the bride and groom see each other for the first time as she walks down the aisle.
Brian and I haven't discussed whether or not we'll do the First Look. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea. Seeing as we're having such a small wedding, I'm not that worried about running out of time for pictures in between the ceremony and reception. I think the First Look would be a great opportunity for us to take some photos around Orcas and not just at the venue.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I've been MIA

I have been such a bad blogger lately. I can't believe our last post was over a month ago! Summer is such a busy time up here in Seattle. There is just so much always going on on the weekends. In fact, I think we've been busy every weekend since the Solstice. My only day "off" was when I was sick last weekend and stayed home on Saturday and had to back out of a few events I had planned for that day. Luckily it was one of those 24-48 hour bugs so I was able to rebound a little and make it to the Ballard Seafood Fest. If you love seafood, especially salmon, this is one festival you don't want to miss!
In regards to wedding planning. I have taken the approach of staggered planning. I'll do a little wedding planning and then take a few weeks off. Having a 17 month engagement allows us this luxury. Since I last blogged, we've had two big "checks" off our wedding to-do list.

We booked our photographer and our DJ! The wonderful Kristoffer Sabio (I just realized I don't know his DJ name) will be spinning some tunes to get us all dancing! I know he will do a great job. We found our photographers through Craigslist and I'm so excited about our find. They are such a nice couple and I know they will capture some lovely shots of our special day.
That's pretty much it on the wedding front - oh except that this record breaking heat is causing both Brian and me to have some crazy wedding related dreams.
I hope to try on more wedding dresses this month so maybe I'll have more to update and it'll be less than a month until my next post.